Ung, muslimsk kvindelig Labour-politiker fra Luton med kulturel bagage.
Et byrådsmedlem fra Labour trådte i Twitter-spinaten. 20 år gamle Aysegul Gurbuz blev straks suspenderet efter antisemitiske meldinger. Selv bedyrer hun sin uskyld og siger, at hun tror måske det er hendes søster, der har lagt dem ud. Meldingerne er flere år gamle, hyldesten til Hitler er fra 2011. Men nogle “besværlige” mennesker besluttede alligevel at grave i palestinaforkjemperens Twitterkonto. Hun var ganske vist en hel del yngre, da det startede, men der er intet, der tyder på, at hun har ændret sin mening i, i og med at dette har stået på i flere år.
The 20-year-old student is alleged to have called Adolf Hitler the ‘greatest man in history’ and said she hoped Iran would use a nuclear weapon to ‘wipe Israel off the map’. Miss Gurbuz, who is Muslim, became Luton’s youngest councillor when she was elected to the High Town ward last year. But last night Miss Gurbuz was suspended after the Campaign Against Anti-Semitism found a series of disturbing posts on her Twitter account from 2011 to 2014.
Der er mange Labour politikere, der har vist antisemitiske tendenser i det sidste.
The suspension is the latest anti-Semitism probe within Labour ranks. Labour peer Baroness Royall is already leading an inquiry after Oxford University Labour Club’s co-chairman resigned, claiming a ‘large proportion’ of its members had ‘some kind of problem with Jews’.
In the past weeks, Labour has twice suspended the deputy chairman of its Woking branch, Vicki Byrne, for posting anti-Semitic tweets, and suspended councillor Khadim Hussain, former Lord Mayor of Bradford, for sharing a Facebook post that said: ‘Your school education system only tells you about Anne Frank and the six million Zionists that were killed by Hitler.’
I forbindelse med tilfældet på Oxford University kom det også frem, at jødiske studenter føler sig usikre på campus.
Labour-leder Jeremy Corbyn kommer sig ikke på sporet for at tage afstand fra den voksende anti-semitiske tilskyndelse i deres parti. Mange klager over, at han ikke gør nok.
‘Anti-Semitism is rising in Europe and the UK, and the regular anti-Semitic tweets and opinions emanating from the Labour Party have failed to elicit any meaningful response from Jeremy Corbyn. How many more cases must we see before Labour take action?’
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