
I kølvandet på angrebene i Brussel, har den arabiske presse blevet oversvømmet med eksplosive artikler der anerkender den muslimske verdens ansvar for global terror.
Synspunkterne fra forfattere, fra Kuwait til Jordan og Saudi-Arabien, repræsenterer et brutal opgør med den arabiske og islamiske verdens fremste mangelvarer, at oprette selv et eneste normalt land, at acceptere det faktum at alle terrorister er muslimer, og insisteren på, at terror er simpelthen et resultat af vestlig racisme, kolonialisme, og marginalisering.
I en artikel med titlen “Vi har svigtet fuldstændig”, angriber redaktøren i den London-baserede saudiske avis Al-Hayat, Ghassan Charbel, arabere og muslimer for at skabe kaos i de samme europæiske lande, der indvilligede at tage dem ind efter at de flygtede fra deres egen fejlslagne stater. Charbel revser også muslimer for deres afvisning af, at højlydt fordømme terrorisme, men tværtimod retfærdiggøre det.
Is our option for the other essentially that he will either be like us or we will blow him up, so that his body parts mingle with ours? Is it accurate [to say] that we are calmed only by seeing the streets of the other’s world full of barricades of corpses and broken glass? Who was it that allowed Muslim fanatics to kill a Turk on the streets of Istanbul, a Frenchman on the streets of Paris, and a tourist on the streets of Brussels?
Have we have the right to continue delving into historical sources in order to rely on past wrongs done to us and use this to justify the slaughter of innocents in a country whence we fled because of a tyrant or a civil war [in our own countries]? Who gave us the right to dictate to others the nature of their regimes, their values, and their lifestyle?
We have failed indeed.
Charbel fortsætter ved at hævde, at den arabiske og muslimske verden har undladt at producere en enkelt fungerende stat og en enkelt “normal borger.” Han skriver:
We obliterated those who cast doubt, and accused anybody who raised questions of treason. We imprisoned the throats, the fingers, and the dreams. And thus our institutions rotted away – if they ever existed at all.
Den muslimske verden, ifølge Charbel, bliver “mere trist og vred”, mens den ser på, at resten af verden bevæger sig fremad og omfavner fremskridt, indtil muslimerne følte, at de havde intet andet valg end at sprænge sig selv op.
I mellemtiden ekkoer den kuwaitisk skribent og forfatter, Khalil Ali Haider, lignende følelser i Bahrains daglige Al-Ayyam, og giver muslimer skylden for terrorisme over hele verden og smækker dem, der afviser det ved at sige, at terroristerne “ikke repræsenterer det sande islam.” Oversat fra MEMRI siger han:
“Is it normal that while terrorism succeeds in recruiting hundreds and even thousands of Muslims, we are satisfied to persuade ourselves that their numbers ‘are still negligible’ compared to the global Muslim population? Must the number of terrorists swell to tens or hundreds of thousands before we realize that a thunderous pounding torrent [is headed] towards us?”
Haider lister så op de “utallige dårligdomme” i den islamiske verden – fra Malaysia til Pakistan – herunder dens uforholdsmæssig fordømmelse af “lovovertrædere af islam.”
Unfortunately, the Muslims do not yet unanimously condemn IS [the Islamic State]. Some Muslims praise them [IS members], think the media wrongs them, and join them at the first opportunity, and even carry out the first suicide mission they are offered anywhere in the world!
We say that “terrorism has no religion and no homeland.” But we must confront the fact that most terrorist attacks in the Arab and Muslim world itself are not carried out by Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Ahmadis, or Baha’is – but by Muslims and the sons and daughters of Muslims.
Synspunkterne i disse artikler markerer en dramatisk kontrast med det, der forfægtes af mange arabiske forfattere, der hævder, at Vesten står bag den seneste opblussen i terrorisme. I sidste uge rapporterde Breitbart Jerusalem om disse artikler, herunder den egyptiske påstand om, at europæisk støtte til Det muslimske broderskab er årsagen til de terrorhandlinger, der fortsat rammer kontinentet.
I Jordans officielle avis Al-Rai, sprænger Tareq Masarweh den arabiske verdens forsøg på at retfærdiggøre terrorangreb med påstande om europæisk racisme og marginalisering af muslimer. Han skriver:
It is shameful that we demand that the world treat us justly as we drive away our sons by killing them, imprisoning them, or failing to provide them with proper education, healthcare, and employment, and with a dignified life,
Masarweh konkluderer:
All we do is curse the Europeans as racists who hate Muslims and foreigners, and consider it our right to murder them in their airports, trains, and theaters.
Cartoon: “Europe” and “Middle East” attempt to unload the “ISIS” bomb (Al-Watan, Qatar, March 23, 2016)