Italiensk politi ser tegn til samarbejd mellem mafiaen og jihadister. Jihadister skaffer drugs og mafiaen forsyner dem med våben, falske papirer og loser dem gennem Europa.
Barbie Latza Nadeau skriver om den farlige forbindelsen i the Daily Beast. Der er ikke så meget kød på benet. Men noget er der:
Italiensk politi arresterede sist tirsdag en 47 år gammel iraker, Aziz Ehzan, som var eftersøgt af sveitsisk, fransk og belgisk politi for dokumentforfalskning, overfald og ulovlig våbenbesiddelse. Han passet profilen på et bindeledd mellem jihadister og mafiaen. Hvad gjorde han i en bil som havde tilhørt en død person, uden pc og bare med en kontanttelefon af typen kriminelle foretrækker?
Since the Charlie Hebdo attacks in Paris in January 2015, Italian anti-mafia and anti-terrorism officials have been unraveling long-standing connections between Jihadi fighters and the Camorra in Naples. They have also uncovered ties to the Sicilian Cosa Nostra Mafia and the Calabrese ‘Ndrangheta gang, tracing weapons being trafficked in from the former Yugoslavia and several African nations which allegedly arrive easily in Neapolitan ports.
Italian anti-mafia police have made three major arrests in the last 12 months, during which they have confiscated major weapons arsenals that included Kalashnikov rifles, submachine guns, body armor, and hundreds of rounds of ammunition that were ready to be sold to terrorist connections. They even found a price list for a wide variety of weapons available for prices ranging from €250 to €3,000 that was printed in Arabic, French, and Italian.
Italian anti-mafia police have made three major arrests in the last 12 months, during which they have confiscated major weapons arsenals that included Kalashnikov rifles, submachine guns, body armor, and hundreds of rounds of ammunition that were ready to be sold to terrorist connections. They even found a price list for a wide variety of weapons available for prices ranging from €250 to €3,000 that was printed in Arabic, French, and Italian.
Hvis oplysningerne stemmer, er det al grund til at ta dem alvorlig. Mafiaen har den lokalkundskab jihadisterne mangler. Det vil give IS et helt andet greb på Europas soft underbelly, specielt nu som de er ved at bygge sig op i Libyen. Det skønnes at der allerede er 3000-4000 krigere samlet i Misrata og omegn. Meget tættere på end Syrien. Hvis der kommer fart på bådtrafiken kan IS nemt skjule sig blandt migranterne.