The Bulletins de la Grande armée: 21st Bulletin, 28 October, 1806, Berlin

«Yesterday, the 27th, the Emperor made a solemn entrance into Berlin. He was accompanied by the Prince de Neufchatel, the marshals Davout and Augereau, his Grand maréchal du Palais [Duroc], his Grand-écuyer and his ADCs. Marshal Lefebvre led the march with the imperial foot guard; the cuirassiers from Nansouty‘s division lined the route. The Emperor rode in between the grenadiers and the Chasseurs à cheval of his guard. He dismounted at the Palace at three in the afternoon; he was received by the Grand maréchal du palais, Duroc. A huge crowd lined the route, Charlottemburg avenue in Berlin is very beautiful; the entrance by this gate is magnificent. The weather was superb. All the town officials, presented by general Hullin, military governor, came to the gate to offer the keys of the city to the Emperor. These officials then retired to the H.M.’s residence, General Prince d’Hatzfeld at their head… »

Bulletins de la Grande armée, Prieur Dumaine, 1844, t3, pp.399-400.